Heidi Thrige

"Knowing that our property is being watched and taken care of is a wonderful feeling."

How did you first get in touch with 4YourHome.es?

We have been in contact with Mikael Knudsen through the company in Denmark, where he works and where we have experienced fantastic service from his side.

What has surprised you the most while working on 4YourHome.es?

We are super happy that we chose 4youhome.es as they are always available when you contact them.

It is nice to know you can contact someone to take care of your property while you are in Denmark.

Knowing that our property is being watched and taken care of is a wonderful feeling.

I can highlight an experience we had last year. A few hours before leaving for the airport, we discovered a leaky water pipe. We contacted Mikael and 4YourHome.es about the problem and already the next day, they were Facetiming us and sending pictures, to show that the task was solved and no water pipes were dripping anymore. It is great that such tasks can be solved for you when you are in a hurry to make your flight.

If you were to recommend 4YourHome.es to others, what would you highlight?

The service is top notch, and you can count on them keeping what they promise.

No tasks seem impossible to them and if something unforeseen happens, you contact them and they are ready to help you right away.

In our case, it’s nice they speak Danish as we’re not great in Spanish.

What services does 4YourHome.es help you with?

They visit our apartment regularly to see if everything is as it should be. We always get a message after the visit assuring us everything is in order.

Did you buy your property for private use or as an investment with rental income?

The apartment is meant for private use, but we might rent it out in the future.

Heidi Thrige


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